Animal Rights Group Wins Free Speech Case Involving Tiger Exhibit
The Animal Legal Defense Fund (the ALDF) defeated a lawsuit filed by Landry’s Inc. and the Houston Downtown Aquarium Inc., which claimed the animal protection organization defamed Landry’s restaurant by publicly commenting on the long-controversial mistreatment of four white tiger that have been housed indoors for 12 years without adequate access to sunlight, fresh air or natural surfaces. The Court also granted the ALDF's anti-SLAPP motion (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation) that allowed the Court to dismiss meritless lawsuits filed against those who speak out about a “matter of public concern.” The judge also awarded over $170,000 in attorneys’ fees and $450,000 in sanctions against Landry’s in order to discourage the filing of future SLAPP suits designed to suppress free speech. Click here to read more about this victory for free speech.