NY Landlords Plead Guilty for Defrauding Tenants
Two Brooklyn landlords pled guilty to scheme to defraud and unlawful eviction for forcing or attempting to force rent-stabilized tenants...

JPMorgan Chase Pays $264m to Settle Bribery Charges
JPMorgan Chase & Co. agreed to pay more than $264 million to settle charges that it violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) in...

FTC Warns Against Homeopathy That Is not Backed by Science
The Federal Trade Commission warns consumers that homeopathic products on pharmacy are not back by scientific evidence to support their...

SEC Awards Whistleblower $20m
The Securities and Exchange Commission awarded a whistleblower more than $20 million, the third highest award, for promptly coming...

UPS Sued in Class Action for Surcharges
A UPS customer filed a class action lawsuit against UPS for placing a delivery area surcharge on its retail customers of almost double...